Is it possible to change employee’s attitudes at work?
I think it is really difficult to change employee’s attitudes. It is a hard process, where you have to put a lot of effort. Like Thomas Jefferson said: “nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude”.
Some attitudes are more resistant to change, for example the ones derived from personal experiences: if for example I had a problem with my boss, my attitude will be stronger towards him and I will be really difficult to persuade.
As I already said, I think attitudes are difficult to change, BUT they are not impossible. With the necessary process, expertise, persuasion, words, etc. You can change someone’s attitude towards something or someone.
For me, attitudes are hard and difficult to change but not imposible...its a process that requieres time and lots of patience, attitude is what drives life, i mean or how you live your life, its what you can handle and manage.